Social Justice, Diversity & Equity
Putting social justice and equity into practice is about empowering people to speak on their own behalf and creating ways to do that safely.
Some examples of how I have done this include:
- Forming an Equal opportunity Committee at Deakin University comprised of diverse people supported to speak for themselves and advocate for equity in education.
- Bringing Starlady, a Trans woman, youth worker and LBGTI advocate in some of Australia’s most remote and challenging places to address staff meetings and forums at South West Healthcare.
- Establishing a Yarning Circle with Western Victoria Primary Health Network (WVPHN) and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) across the region.
- Diversity in volunteering – creating targeted volunteer activities for recently arrived refugees to create pathways to employment and community connectedness.
- Cultural and Faith Diversity in Healthcare, bringing together a range of speakers from religious and diverse cultural backgrounds forming an interactive panel speaking openly about their good and bad experiences in health and producing a training resource for health services across Victoria.